Fraxel (Fractional Laser) in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Al Ain
Did you ever imagine that you could get rid of various skin impurities, including pigmentation, acne, dullness and early signs of aging, with only one treatment? It is the Fraxel laser! It is an effective treatment that uses lasers to get rid of skin problems and give you a bright and fresh look.
What is Fraxel?
Fraxel is a laser treatment based on directing light beams to the face or other parts of the body such as the neck, hands, arms and upper chest to get rid of impurities, treat skin problems and give it a radiant and fresh look.
What conditions does Fraxel treat?
Fraxel treatment can help treat many skin conditions, but it is most used for:
- Skin pigmentation and hyperpigmentation
- Sunburns
- Wrinkles and fine lines
- Acne and scars that may appear as a result of pimples
How is Fraxel applied?
This treatment works by using the heat produced by the laser beams directed at the skin, as it penetrates the skin layers to stimulate it to produce new skin cells to replace damaged or dead skin cells. It also stimulates the skin to produce collagen, which is responsible for maintaining the youth of the skin.
What happens during a Fraxel treatment?
Before a Fraxel treatment session, the patient should make sure that he/she does not have wounds or infections in the treatment area. It is important to refrain from using skin products containing retinoids for one week before the session.
During the session, the doctor applies a topical anesthetic cream and then aims the device to target the treatment area and begins to pass it gently and slowly on the skin and so that the laser beams reach the underlying skin tissues. After 20 to 30 minutes, at the end of the session, the doctor applies a moisturizing and soothing cream.
What happens after a Fraxel treatment session?
Skincare after a Fraxel Laser session is essential, as the patient must follow the following steps:
- Apply sunscreen and avoid excessive sun exposure.
- Avoid using skincare products that cause skin rash or irritation for a week.
- Use a soothing face wash twice a day and use a moisturizing cream daily.
- Avoid peeling the skin because it could cause skin redness and require a longer recovery period.
And at Novomed Centers, dermatologists and cosmetologists are always ready to help you choose the right treatment for your condition. They also offer the latest techniques and equipment to help you achieve the desired result.