PRK Surgery in Dubai (Photorefractive Keratectomy)
Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) is a type of laser eye surgery that reshapes the cornea to correct refractive errors, including myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism (hazy vision caused by an uneven curvature of the cornea).
PRK offers many advantages, including:
– Doesn’t require a corneal incision
– Quick and painless procedure
– Minimal postoperative pain
– No need for glasses or contact lenses for most tasks
Am I a suitable candidate for PRK?
This procedure may be a viable option for you if you are 18 years old or older and have a healthy cornea and overall good eye health.
If you have a history of eye scarring, excessive infections, or pre-existing diseases, such as uncontrolled diabetes or advanced glaucoma, you might not be a good candidate for PRK.
What to expect before PRK?
During your consultation, our ophthalmologist will review your medical history and perform a comprehensive eye examination to test your vision and measure the surface of your cornea and the size of your pupils. The doctor will also determine the extent of your refractive error and check for other eye disorders before deciding whether the procedure is suitable for you.
Once it is decided that it is safe for you to undergo this procedure, the doctor will provide you with preoperative instructions, including the medications you should take or stop and what you should wear on the day of your surgery. You should also arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery.
What to expect during PRK?
PRK is performed under local anesthesia and takes around 15 minutes.
Our ophthalmologic surgeon will first use anesthetic eye drops to numb your eyes and use an eyelid holder to keep your eyes from blinking. They will then remove the epithelium (the outer layer of your cornea) to gain access to the next corneal layer. A special laser is then used to remove the outer layer of epithelial cells from the cornea.
The surgeon will reshape the cornea with a computer-controlled excimer laser programmed with your eye’s measurements. This laser eliminates small quantities of tissue from the cornea to achieve the precise corneal shape required for clear eyesight.
Finally, a temporary bandage contact lens will be placed over your eye to allow the corneal epithelium to recover over the first week after surgery.
What to expect after PRK?
As your eyes heal after surgery, you may experience a few side effects, such as minor itching or burning or increased light sensitivity, but they will gradually subside. Our surgeon will prescribe anti-inflammatory and antibiotic eye drops for you to take for several months to help with dry eye problems.
You’ll need to get plenty of rest, avoid sun exposure, and refrain from touching your eyes or getting water in them for the first week after surgery. Your vision will gradually improve over the next 3–5 days as you recover, and you will achieve optimal eyesight after a month or more. Most people can resume daily activities within two weeks but need around 3 to 6 months to recover fully.
Schedule your consultation at Novomed today!
If you believe you are the right candidate for phototherapeutic keratectomy (PRK), book a consultation with our skilled ophthalmologist in Dubai to learn more about the procedure and its cost and aftercare.
Book your appointment today by calling toll-free 8006686 or clicking the live chat icon at the bottom of the screen.
LASIK requires making a corneal flap before reshaping, while PRK requires the removal of the cornea’s outermost layer before reshaping. Unlike LASIK, PRK does not require a corneal incision, which is a significant advantage for people with extremely thin corneas.
PRK is a laser eye surgery that changes the shape of the cornea to treat refractive vision defects, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. PRK removes the epithelium completely to gain access to the cornea, allowing the epithelium to regrow.
The purpose of this surgery is to improve your eyesight by correcting refractive errors.
You should be able to resume work 2-3 days following surgery.
The cornea is responsible for refracting light toward the retina’s center, and refractive errors occur when the eye does not refract light properly due to changes in the cornea’s shape.