Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation’ refers to uncontrolled ejaculation occurring very soon after engaging in sexual activity, affecting the level of satisfaction in both partners. It is a common problem in that it affects around 20-30% of men. However, it can lead to significant anxiety, put a strain on relationships, and even lead to erectile dysfunction.

While the exact cause has not been determined, it could be the result of hormonal, physical or psychological issues. Some diseases such as prostate inflammation or diabetes can bring on premature ejaculation, or it might be a life-long issue. Blood tests and physical examination might be needed to eliminate any physical causes.


There are several treatments for premature ejaculation in Dubai and these include counseling, as well as sprays and medication, which are usually temporary and often unsuccessful. We believe that successful treatment for premature ejaculation requires a holistic approach. At Novomed Centers in Dubai, we aim for a permanent cure for premature ejaculation involving a combination of medications alongside magnetic pelvic stimulation sessions. In addition, we recommend a new treatment using PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, which can lead to a more sustained and fuller erection with better control over ejaculation.

If you suffer from premature ejaculation, our urologists will be able to advise you of the best course of treatment in Dubai.

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