Bariatric Surgeon in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Al Ain
Before deciding to undergo weight loss surgery, it is important to find a bariatric team that you can trust. Novomed Weight Loss Center has been certified as a Center of Excellence thanks to its formidable team of carefully selected world-renowned bariatric surgeons and dietitians who help patients achieve the desired body weight and improve their health and quality of life.
We are keen to maintain the highest standard of honesty, integrity and professionalism and we make sure that every patient gets a unique, life-changing experience by providing routine assessment and support from psychotherapists, dietitians, nurses and surgeons before and after their surgery.
When you book a consultation with one of our bariatric specialists, we will arrange clinic consultation for you (through a Bariatric co-ordinator), where you will meet our Bariatric Surgeon and will know the details of all available weight-loss procedures and will know that:
- You are a suitable candidate for the surgery/non-surgical weight loss procedures
- The procedure you are considering is the correct one for you.
- Your medical history is within expectations.
- To discover if any concerns are preventing you from undergoing the weight-loss procedure.
Before surgery i weighed 26 and a half stone but I know I weighed more than that but you stop weighing after a while as you really don’t want to know.
I felt useless and disgusting. I felt like an embarrassment to all around me. I know many people have features they don’t like about themselves but to physically feel sick every time you dress in your specially ordered sized clothes is a daily ritual that will leave you on edge at all times.
The very idea of walking upstairs would have to be planned with a 10 min sit down afterwards. I wasn’t really living, I was just existing. When you can’t even walk your children into school as it hurts so much you know you have your priorities all wrong. People often think that I would enjoy sitting down hobbies but when a cinema seat literally cuts into your skin as your too big for the seat, then you even avoid that and quickly find yourself isolating from the world, turning to the only thing you can….. more food.
Before surgery i was 21 and 1/2 stone.
I was in a really dark place, dreaded leaving the house. I was in pain all the time with my back, knees and ankles.
It’s not until the weight started to drop off I realised just how dark life had gotten for me. I was in a downward spiral of depression and I didn’t even realise. I wouldn’t let my husband near me. I would never go out with friends, I dreaded family parties/activities and always watched my children and husband having fun from the sidelines.
Gastric Bypass: At Novomed, both gastric bypass and mini-gastric bypass are performed using keyhole surgery to redirect the flow of food in the digestive system, reduce the portion of food the stomach can hold, and suppress appetite and hunger.
Gastric Sleeve: This keyhole procedure can help patients with morbid obesity and type 2 diabetes. It involves reducing the size of the stomach by about 75% to limit the amount of food you can eat.
Gastric Band: This laparoscopic procedure involves fitting an adjustable band around the upper part of the stomach to slow down the flow of food. This leads to early fullness and helps reduce appetite and portions size.
Gastric balloon: This non-surgical procedure involves placing a balloon in your stomach to curb your appetite and help you feel fuller for longer while eating smaller portions.
To book an appointment or for more information about our Bariatric Surgeon, call us toll-free on 800 (NOVO) 6686 or click the live chat icon at the bottom of the screen.
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